
The Idea

When the sixth form was being planned, there was much consultation with students, parents and governors about uniform and dress-code. There were some strong views: a number wanted a uniform the same as the rest of the school, others wanted no dress code at all. However, the consensus view was that the uniform should be different from the rest of the school and should allow a little flexibility.

The Design  

A number of sixth formers were involved in agreeing the design. A feature is the sixth form "B6th" logo - which appears on the polo shirts and jumpers.

The Uniform  

  • Black or brown formal shoes and dark coloured socks
  • Smart black or grey trousers or smart black or grey skirt
  • Balcarras sixth form polo shirt - red, ash grey, or royal blue
  • Balcarras sweatshirt - black or grey
  • Belts should be black, grey or brown

Please note skirts must be no more than 10cm above the knee. Students whose skirts are too short will be given one warning and then sent home if a second infringement occurs.

Training shoes, jackets or coats may NOT be worn in the sixth form.

Jewellery and make-up should be subtle, as should hair colour changes. Hair cuts should not be extreme. Piercings are limited to ears and one nose stud only.

Please see Mr Leatherbarrow if you are unsure about any item.


Buying Uniform 

To purchase uniform for Sixth Form, please visit Monkhouse.

Balcarras Sixth Form sell slightly worn polo shirts and sweatshirts (£3 per polo shirt or £4 per sweatshirt). Students are welcome to visit Mrs Crowley in the Sixth Form office to purchase items, or you can email cc@balcarras.gloucs.sch.uk or call 01242 545118. 

PE/Sports Uniform 

For PE/Sports during Sixth Form at Balcarras, there is no official uniform, however we require each student to have a PE kit consisting of sports clothes that are suitable for the activity they are participating in. The colours of the items of clothing should be red, white or black and include suitable footwear. Please ensure the sportswear items are appropriate for school and do not include crop tops or other items of clothing that are not appropriate for school.