Sports News

For information on all the latest sports news please go to the following link 

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  • 24/11/22
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    Squash Success!

    We competed in the first stage of the national schools squash competition and beat both CLC and Marlborough to take 1st place! Well done team!
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  • 27/09/22
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    U16 County Challenge Cup - 3rd Place!

    Our year 11 netball team took part in the County Challenge cup, playing against 11 other schools from around Gloucestershire. They got through to the Semi-final and finished 3rd place! Well done!
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  • 13/12/21
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    December sports update

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.
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  • 18/11/21
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    Sporting Success Autumn 2021

    This term has seen a number of achievements in Sport for Balcarras pupils
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  • 03/02/20
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    Sports Fixtures Spring 2020

    To see the latest sports fixtures for 2020 see below
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  • 04/12/19
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    Year 7 Hockey win

    The Year 7A hockey team won the District Tournament
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  • 29/03/19
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    March sports news

    This March saw lots of success for Netball and other sports for pupils
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  • 11/02/19
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    Spring sports news

    What has been going on in Sport so far this year?
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  • 10/12/18
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    Autumn Sports news

    Cross Country, rugby and hockey successes
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  • 10/12/18
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    Year 7 Hockey success

    Year 7 have come up trumps as hockey chamions
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  • 22/07/18
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    Summer House Matches

    The results of this summers house matches are as follows
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  • 21/07/18
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    World Cup

    Pupils take part in a World Cup Theme for the Headmasters challenge
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  • 20/07/18
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    District Athletics

    Pupils excell at District Athletics
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  • 09/05/18
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    Spring Sports News

    District Swimming Championships Congratulations to Theo Cannon, Cameron Lewis, Oliver Jones and Callum Bates (below) who won the Webb Trophy. This ‘Blue Ribbon’ 4x 50m freestyle event is always the first race of the summer District Competition. The trophy was first competed for in 190...
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  • 04/05/18
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    Autumn House Matches

    Update on sports News
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