
Can you help every child in Cheltenham access digital learning by donating your old laptops, tablets, ipads or by giving some money to #LaptopsForLearning?
Today we are launching the ‘#LaptopsForLearning’ campaign in collaboration with the Cheltenham Borough Council’s No Child Left Behind (NCLB) initiative, IT Schools Africa, Cheltenham Education Partnership (CEP) and Cheltenham Learning Partnership (representing local primary schools). The scheme aims to support all schools in Cheltenham by providing children with additional laptops, tablets or ipads for their home learning. Current estimates show that local schools need in the region of 500 laptops. Dr Graham Parton, chair of Cheltenham Education Partnership said: “CEP have worked across secondary schools to identify need and support the delivery of the project. I’m really pleased that schools within the Cheltenham Education Partnership have offered their premises as donation points. If you have a laptop, tablet or ipad that you no longer use, please donate them to the drop off points listed on the NCLB website.’’
For full information about the #LaptopsForLearning scheme or to donate money visit: