Chinese Students visit

Students from Changshu International School in China visit Balcarras

Last month, Balcarras was host to 23 Chinese students from Changshu International School. I had the pleasure of being a buddy to one of these lovely students.

As a buddy, I had to take my Chinese student to my lessons and have break and lunch with them. I had never done anything like this before and really enjoyed the experience and I am sure many of the other buddies would agree with me.

I also enjoyed meeting all of the other students and have made a lot of new friends. The hardest thing, I found, was explaining what some of the lessons were.  The goodbye service was also very fun. Some of the Chinese students danced, played music and even solved rubix cubes!

Even though I wasn't part of a host family, I found having them in school for 2 weeks was an incredible experience and I would definitely do it again.
By Maeve Soutter 9G1