Update From The Head 3rd Sept
Welcome back to the first update of the new school year. I do hope that you all had a lovely summer. I spent a week with my family in Guernsey which was lovely.
The new term has started well and it has been lovely to meet our new Year 7 and Year 12 pupils. It’s early doors of course but we have got off to a good start.
We have tested all pupils on return to the school and we will do a second test on Monday. From then on we will require you to continue with twice weekly testing at home. Test kits will be given out shortly.
Launch of The High School Leckhampton
On Thursday Cheltenham’s newest secondary school opened for the first time. We have worked for many years to bring The High School Leckhampton to life, so it was great to see its first students arrive. I’d like to pass on my congratulations to Mrs Wood and everyone connected with the school. I’ll give a fuller update on this in next week’s newsletter.
Update on Remote Learning
As we move into the new school year there are no longer national or local restrictions in place and so our hope is that we have very few pupils unable to attend school for COVID related reasons.
Due to the small number of pupils needing access to remote learning the model we will use has changed slightly.
If a pupil has COVID and is well enough to work from home their teachers will provide work for them to be able to keep up with the curriculum. The teacher will select the most appropriate way to do this.
Work could be:
A task set on the schools VLE
Joining a live lesson remotely via Teams
Emailed work
Teachers will contact pupils via their school email to let them know how to access their work.
For practical subjects such as PE work will not be set.
For pupils new into Year 7 that have not been able to attend the start of term teachers will contact parents via email.
I do hope you all have a nice weekend.
Dominic Burke