Admissions 2020 - Consultation

All schools are required to consult on their admissions arrangements every seven years. Balcarras is launching a consultation on our admissions arrangements for 2020 onwards which will run from Wednesday November 7th to Thursday December 20th 2018.
The governors are not proposing any changes to the current admission arrangements.  However, you may wish to submit a written response to this consultation which you can do so via:
Mrs N. Harrington, Clerk to the Governors, Balcarras School, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, Glos, GL53 8QF or by email: .
Please indicate what capacity you are responding (e.g. parent; governor; teacher etc.).  Please respond by Thursday December 20th when the consultation will close.  All comments will be considered by the governing body in January.
All admission authorities are obliged to hold a public consultation meeting as part of their consultation.  To comply with this requirement Balcarras School governors are holding a public meeting on Tuesday November 13th from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm in the school hall.
Once the consultation is complete we will publish the outcome on our website.